Category Archives: Uncategorized


I’ve been gone for so long, and I’m probably going to vanish again for another week or two as life wraps up. Oy, that life… Keeps getting the best of me. I have a few updates to post really quickly, though, as well as some shameless promoting of a fabulous artist.

First, Calypso is nearing the halfway point! YAY! I know, I know, it’s dragging by. Trust me, I want it out there just as much as y’all do. I’m beginning to understand why it takes some books years to appear. There are so many details and subplots and character flaws to fix! For those of you out there that are authors, tackle massive projects with care… I’m beginning to wonder just what I’ve gotten myself into. As it stands, chapters 1 – 9 are fully edited (first round edits), so chapters 10 – 18 remain. Luckily, the second half is more concise and coherent, so it should be quicker. Now, just to stay within my 80K to 120K word limit for Sci-Fi… Can I pull a J. R. R. Tolkien or Diana Gabaldon please and have it be 150K? Please?

Second, Puck is on hold indefinitely. I am so incredibly disappointed in myself for this, but I’ve had to face the reality that I’m tackling too many projects at once. I hope to get a few chapters up in the coming weeks, but don’t hold your breath. School lets out, and I’ll be immediately jumping into “homeschooling” my son (if you count Pre-K as school, which I do) and preparing for the arrival of the fourth member of our little clan.

Third, the lovely Li Bromfield has completed the new cover for Puck! For those of you new to S. G. Ricketts, she is the same artist who did my cover for Calypso. She has an amazing talent for drawing the scene right out of a writer’s mind, literally and figuratively. Here are my two covers done by her:

Puck - Cover Title WEB



She’s on under the-Li and does a myriad of different things. She does commissions for indie authors, gamers, and those who love awesome art. Here are a few of my personal favorites, but remember: you can always look through yourself. Who knows? Maybe your idea or book will be her next masterpiece.



"Against the World"

“Against the World”

"Perfects" Book Cover

“Perfects” Book Cover

"Warrior Within"

“Warrior Within”

New Web Serial Started!

In a much belated update, I’ve started an online fantasy serial attached to this blog. Some of you have bought my short story “Puck.” I’ve decided to ellaborate on it and use WordPress as a media jumping point to promote a lesser work and possibly garner a few more wonderful followers like yourself. If you’re interested in checking it out, Chapters 1 (the original book) and 2 are posted at:

Thank you all so much for your support and reading! I hope to have more updates and posts soon!

This Thing Called Twilight

I’ve started a vlog, which I’ll add to this blog as it goes along, and I’d love your opinion.

I kinda sorta really dislike the whole Twilight chaos right now. Check out the video and let me know your opinion on the matter!